Sunday, October 4, 2009


I think I want to start doing jewelry and themes. Things that go together. What I'm really looking forward to is my Egyptian collar. Going to have to go and get a few more things, but it should be very nice!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rock candy, part 2

So the syrup tasted very good, but there was too much for the jar. This turned into caramel very quickly, and it is very good! Wish there was enough to share!

Rock Candy

Trying out on making some rock candy. Going to see how vanilla works out and then if it's good, onto shopping for other flavors!
I also have a lot more views for my Etsy, but nothing new yet. Maybe the masses want some rock candy?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

This Blog

It shall be bloggy.

As of now, I've had three sales, how cute! Such a sweet little tiny number. This needs to be changed, to be fed to grow into a big, strong number. Anybody have some vegetables for sales? Besides all of that, I'm finally expanding into necklaces! I've made some for friends and family, and I am finally putting an effort into making them for the kind people of Etsy.
I am also teaming up with the very awesome Erin for a fantastic headband line. Trust me, they will be FANTASTIC.

Now for today, I am off to do some finishing touches and to take some enticing pictures.